Highway 666

Interesting Facts – Highway 666

Highway 666 has been summoned as one of the most haunted places in America. It is located in the province that is identified as the “Four Corners”. Many know the “Four Corners” as the States of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico – not the whole states, only certain geographical locations of each state. The United State renamed the threatening highway to U.S Route 491 in the year of 2003. Christians trust that the number that is reflected in three sixes represents what they refer to as the Beast Number. Based on statistics, there were an abnormally high number of accidents and fatalities on this road when it was named 666, so many gained the certainty that anyone that travelled on this road would immediately be cursed. This highway is strongly thought evil number identifier, several referred to it as the “Devil’s Highway”.

Route 666666 - Profile