
666 Screening INVITE

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Trailer from 15th May

666 Trailer

666 Tele film Official Poster with Screening date

Official poster of Tamil Telefilm 666. Film will be screened @ AVM Preview Theater on MAY 31st between 4:00pm – 7:00pm.

666 poster fb

Written and Directed by KarthikVignesh

Produced by R.Venugopal – Rahul Rajagopal

Production House: Big Bang Pictures and R Pictures

Cinematography by Dinesh KumarKalaiselvan Viswa

Music by Surya Prasadh R

Editing by SP Chandrahasan

SFX and Mixing by Sudharsan Lingam

VFX by Ramesh Rao

STARRING: Shyam KrishnanBarath Neelakantan; Sinthura G. Shankar; Abdul Waseem, Karthik; Muhammed Yunus.

Demonic presence and communication

Coutersy: http://zalbarath666.wordpress.com/


You may even discover that you are already communicating with demons but you were not aware of that… Lots of inner dialog can be based on spiritual communication.

Communication may happen in various ways:

a) visual – you may see something in the corner of your eye (a color, a shape), see visions (not as hallucinations but merely as pictures in your mind, not so different from your visualizations that we have all the time when thinking about something,although sometimes skilled medium can see through physical eyes so it can happen), dream (definitely more vivid then usual dreams);

b) vocal – various signals from clear sounds and voices in altered state of mind to mind to mind communication that is projected by our brain as voice (again like above: rarely as physical experience, mostly all happens within your mind);

c) sensual – both physical (senses) and mental experiences (impressions – often mistaken and/or mixed with feelings/emotions, because many impressions induce some emotional reaction, however impressions in their nature are neutral, only later we assign them emotional meaning) are common here (shiver, cold, heat, sting, touch, blow, etc. and as well as presence and other mental impressions)

d) emotional – hard to distinguishable from sensual one, usually those two melt together so you may experience a powerful form of a presence with emotional exhilaration, excitation (not just usual excitation but strengthened over normal amplitude – like on drugs but without negative effects and with full control and awareness) and yes – also love.

Of course experiences rarely are so distinct, all forms of communications are possible at ones or various mixes of them, often with one more clear then others. Telepathic communication can embrace also various forms from above examples because it can be n0n verbal, for example when you ask or wonder about something, images or whole ideas and knowledge could suddenly pop in your mind (R. Monroe calls this package of thoughts – thought rotas). Or it could be plain verbal, just as if you were imagining discussion or someone talking to you.

The big question is, how do I know it’s real, how do I know I am not imaging it? Unfortunately, there is no hard, scientific prove for that, you need to decide it for yourself. Experience it and see if it’s real for you. But there are some things that may help you verify your experience.

Quite common method of confirmation is asking for sign and then throughout the day or next few days, you may notice meaningful writings in papers, sentences in TV, someone’s talking, animals, or all kinds of “coincidences” that happen too frequently, too harmonized, too aligned in short period of time that it could be just random. It may be something more tangible as noises, electricity spikes, things moving, falling off by itself, etc. Simply, all occurrences that are significant to you and the particular demon.

666 - Editing Complete (facebook cover)

Coutersy: http://zalbarath666.wordpress.com/

Different levels of experience when one establishes contact with a Demon


Different levels of experience when one establishes contact with a Demon:

  1. The Demon speaks to us through our thoughts (telepathy). With telepathy, the words of the Demon come to us through our thoughts. In the beginning, it can be difficult for those who are not as sensitive or lack psychic ability to differentiate between the communication from another entity a
    nd their own thoughts. With power meditation and experience, this becomes much easier over time.
  2. We see and hear the Demon. This is with people who are more psychic and open.
  3. We invoke the energy of the Demon. This is powerful and electrifying. We are engulfed in a strong aura. During this time, we will often hear the Demon speak to us and we may in addition, see the Demon.
  4. During an actual summoning, the Demon appears and speaks to us through scrying into a mirror, in the smoke of the incense, or in some other manner. This is best for those who are new. With scrying, if we are sensitive enough, we can often feel the Demon touch us if he/she chooses to do so.
  5. Tangible contact; objects in our rooms are moved, there is actual physical evidence of the Demon having been present.


Courtesy: angelfire.com & bobandemily.files


666 Poster