Month: September 2014

Different levels of experience when one establishes contact with a Demon


Different levels of experience when one establishes contact with a Demon:

  1. The Demon speaks to us through our thoughts (telepathy). With telepathy, the words of the Demon come to us through our thoughts. In the beginning, it can be difficult for those who are not as sensitive or lack psychic ability to differentiate between the communication from another entity a
    nd their own thoughts. With power meditation and experience, this becomes much easier over time.
  2. We see and hear the Demon. This is with people who are more psychic and open.
  3. We invoke the energy of the Demon. This is powerful and electrifying. We are engulfed in a strong aura. During this time, we will often hear the Demon speak to us and we may in addition, see the Demon.
  4. During an actual summoning, the Demon appears and speaks to us through scrying into a mirror, in the smoke of the incense, or in some other manner. This is best for those who are new. With scrying, if we are sensitive enough, we can often feel the Demon touch us if he/she chooses to do so.
  5. Tangible contact; objects in our rooms are moved, there is actual physical evidence of the Demon having been present.


Courtesy: & bobandemily.files


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Ghost and Demon



They are known as restless spirits that did not attain peace due to some type of deed that was incomplete.  A ghost is often believed to be tied to the human world because of something that was left undone which is why they are restless and dangerous. The attempt to contact a ghost of a spirit is known as necromancy or séance. Ghosts are often believe to be tied to the place that they lived in or were at for a long period of time. They are also believed to haunt objects or people that they were associated with in life.


Demons do not have earthly origin and hence they are considered to possess stronger powers than ghosts. Once a demon has gotten a foot hold in the physical world infestation begins.  Infestation is the stage that most resembles a human spirit haunting but in the end the differences will always become apparent.  Aside from the differences already discussed demons seek to terrorize their victims.  When a ghost scares the person seeing it will usually stop whatever activity it’s causing, after all a ghost wants attention not fear. Demons thrive on fear and draw strength from it. Most of the time demonic activity progresses through five stages: encroachment, infestation, oppression or obsession, possession, and death.