Common Traits of Demonic Possession

Common Traits of Demonic Possession


  • Sudden dilation of pupils
  • Unnatural change to features or body language
  • Abnormal changes to voice
  • Sudden changes to vocabulary such as becoming abnormally profane or abusive
  • Impromptu urge to abuse alcohol or do drugs when you normally don’t do this
  • Aberrant craving for raw meat & or blood
  • New deviant compulsions to be hyper-sexual or to savage others sexually
  • Strong desire to cut or hit yourself
  • Sudden urges to hurt people and animals for no reason
  • Abnormal changes in personal hygiene {a normally clean person suddenly becoming filthy and putrid}
  • Changes in normal routines : sleeping all day suddenly or complete lack of appetite, or sudden onset of gluttony
  • Severe constipation {I am totally serious about this, ‘they’ can make your colon septic and kill you this way. I personally know several people who were unable to have a bowel movement for 3 weeks during demonic attacks and very nearly died from it.}
  • Aversion or hatred when speaking about God or other Biblical subject matter
  • Usually a possessed person will be repulsed by holy water and a crucifix, but if they are controlled by a Diabolical {fallen angel not demon} it may not phase them

Source: Rebecca [Occult Specialist of S.I.S.]

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